Civitatis International is a research consultancy serving leaders to produce high-level reports.
Civitatis International is an independent consultancy that works for leaders at high-level stakeholder conferences around the world. Civitatis International provides a confidential rapporteur and report writing service for clients who require a world class research, writing and editing solution for their deliberations.
Founded at a Council of Europe sponsored conference in 2002, Civitatis International produces reports of mega-scale conferences of leaders to create for our clients, several hundred page in-depth and scientifically researched reports on a range of policy sectors to include specializations in client domains of particular interest such as international peace and security, investment and economic development, international law, climate change and global governance.
The editorial philosophy of Civitatis International is inspired by neutrality and impartiality across the geopolitical spectrum to deliver for the client an exceptional report that articulates the clients' constructive solutions to the global challenges.